
“Mr. Rosenberg’s talk I felt was an inspirational speech. I feel to me it was relatable but I know that what Mr. Rosenberg went through a lot [of people] have or are going through it right now. It was really emotional I felt. I know that lots of people go through [bullying] every day and some people don’t even wanna go to places because of them getting bullied and that’s why I feel it’s really important to talk about bullying.” 

Alexandra 7th grader

“Mr. Rosenberg’s talk really inspired me because I thought about how I’ve seen many people get bullied and how I could have helped to prevent them from getting bullied. It taught me a very important lesson and that is to never be afraid of another person.”

7th grader

“Mr. Rosenberg’s talk on bullying made me think to not bully people because most of the time I do and when I do maybe bad stuff could happen to them. And also I need to speak up for others because sometimes I just bully more than the person who is bullying someone.”

7th grader

“Mr. Rosenberg’s talk helped me realize that it’s always great to lend a helping hand to anyone who’s in need. His story really left an impact on me as I learned that victims of bullying could also previously be bullies. It was amazing to hear that in the end, he confronted his nemesis who gave him nightmares.

MORCS Student

“I learned that it is not ok to bully because even though you might not bully them physically, you might be hurting them mentally.”

7th grader


Film Threat Podcast Live


"THE REUNION" A new film by Dave Rosenberg - 2022 Trailer

New Cleveland Radio

The Bully Blog Podcast with Dave Rosenberg and guest Matthew Martinez 

Dave Rosenberg Best Actor Wyoming International Film Festival

MUSE TV Network

Dave Rosenberg Talks The Reunion

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